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​                                                             Please scroll this page down for dates

I have been coming to Co Kilkenny on a regular basis to teach workshops, retreats and training groups since 2001.

The Art Sythesis approach has attracted those wishing to explore their creativity,express themselves freely and bring out depths of feeling, vitality and talent that have often been dormant within .   
General Description
​​This approach encourages people to connect to their inner source through an exploration of feelings and creative expression in a safe and nurturing group atmosphere. At the core of this work is my belief and experience that renewal, transformation, and a clearer sense of direction can emerge through regular quiet periods devoted to reflection and creative expression. Such times centre us, building up the strength, inspiration and joy that help us to keep a balance in our daily lives. 
 We use simple meditations, body/energy awareness exercises, and music to help us to go inwards and connect to our feelings, to invisible inner dimensions. Spontaneous creative expression allows us to bring our feelings out through our bodies into the visible world, into action. We seek to connect to the energy of play, a natural creative movement that is a harmonising, restorative and revitalising force. As we become absorbed in playing and open to the creative flow, so we link to an intuitive intelligence that draws us away from limitation and into increasing openness. This naturally frees up our life energy and gradually allows deeper levels of awareness and intuition to be expressed, at first non-verbally through colour, images, forms and then later through periods of writing and sharing.

We use art materials and spontaneous painting to bring forth our own forms and images, the emphasis being on playful process and not on product. In all workshops you will be painting freely & spontaneously on large sheets of paper using a palette of 18 beautiful colours, working with intuitive drawing, sometimes with clay modelling. You will learn to trust the power and intelligence of the creative flow, to interpret the symbols, colours and forms in your art works - integrating your intuitive wisdom to enrich your daily life. Spontaneous creative expression helps you to relax, feel more balanced and self confident. This approach is joyful & empowering, encouraging you to transform limitations, and open your heart to a new awareness of yourself and others. No previous art training or artistic ability is required to follow the courses. There is a maximum of 10 people in each group.
​All the workshops take place at Blanchville House, a beautiful location in the heart of the Kilkenny countryside. The quiet surroundings, the home cooking and Monica Phelan’s generous hospitality create a wonderful, supportive atmosphere for the workshops.

4 Day Healing Art Workshop  Thursday 24th - Sunday 27th April 2014        ( book before 17th March )
This Healing Art Workshop is designed to create a setting to explore the Self through Intuitive Painting and Mindfulness, to discover through colour and form a means to transform and release blockages and find inspiration within - this then leads to a gradual development of a natural way of painting based directly on intuition. We will support the creative work with periods of teaching on creativity, time for meditation and body mindfulness practices, creative writing, dream analysis and in depth discussions about the healing and spiritual dimensions of the creative process. Our focus is on process and not on product. No previous art skills are required to attend these workshops.
Fee € 345
Summer Residential 5 Day Healing Art Workshop  5th -9th July.
An opportunity to relax in the beautiful surroundings of Blanchville House, explore your creativity and free up your
self expression in a supportive group atmosphere. We will use clay modelling, intuitive painting, simple mindfulness meditations, group sharing, music and creative writing during these five days together.The price of this workshop includes accommodation, food and all art materials.   Inclusive Fee   € 650 ( book by 1st June) I will add more details shortly.


I will offer more workshops during 2014 and will put information about these on the site in due course

and also send out e mails to previous workshop participants.



Thursdays-Sundays :  6-9th February, 3-6th April & Ist - 4th May
These workshops are an ongoing cycle of Healing Art groups.
People from different countries are attending so I teach both in French and English.
You would need to have a passive knowledege of French. 
This 4 day workshop is held at my home in the beautiful Dordogne countryside in S.W.France.
Fee € 345 - more details to come soon
Please do not hesitate to call 0033553508038  if you would like to speak to me.
best wishes Marie  

© 2022 by Marie Perret

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